Try and fit the word 'extraordinary' into as many sentences as possible.
"How was your weekend?" "It was extraordinary, thanks."
"Would you like a cup of tea?" "I would like one an extraordinary amount."
"Why are you saying extraordinary so much?" "Because I am extraordinary."
Make sure to really pronounce it 'extra-ordinary' too. People will love that.
Wear a ridiculous hat all day and see if anyone notices.
People tend not to laugh at you for wearing something stupid if you wear it with confidence. I've been wearing massive glasses for years and no-one has said anything because I'm like 'YEAH AND WHAT?' every time they think about it. Once you've got away with wearing a stupid hat you can probably get away with everything. Topless Tuesdays? Go for it.
Change your email signature to someone else's.
Do you work in an office where you send countless dull emails every day about something you're meant to have done but haven't because you were too busy getting drunk? It's a drag isn't it? Make it less of a drag by changing your email signature so that all recipients think your email and the other person's email have got mixed up in some sort of Freaky Friday mess. "How has this happened?" you will scream. "Ring IT immediately! Everyone, computers off! We're being hacked!"
Claim you're now part of a religion that excludes you from using Excel.
I'd love to do those reports, honestly I would, but the Great Master of Ultimate Creation (your new God, keep up) forbids me from it. Even looking at the Excel logo for too long would result in my eternal damnation and an afterlife spent burning in the flaming armpits of the devil. I don't want that.
There. Mondays fixed.