Thursday 3 May 2012

Call Me Maybe: The Psycho Remix.


I threw a wish in a well,
I thought "Hey, this could be swell,"
I looked to you as it fell,
But you looked creeped out and walked away.

I trade my soul for a wish,
But my soul's not worth piss,
I wasn't looking for this,
To see you run miles away.

My stare was holding, the fear in your eyes, it was growing,
Hot, my breath was blowing,
Where you think you're going, baby?


Hey, I just met you,
And this is crazy,
But I'm following you home,
Call for help maybe?

It's hard to look right,
through your curtains baby,
But I'm hiding in the bushes,
Call for help maybe?

Hey, I just met you,
And, well, I'm quite crazy,
So I'm following you home,
Don't try and race me.

And all the other boys,
Try and stop me,
But I'm like a psycho ninja,
You can't escape me.


You took your time with the call,
While I crouched behind the wall,
You said you'd spoke with the law,
And that they're on their way.

I beg and borrow and steal,
Try convince you to feel,
The way that I do: It's real,
But you lock yourself away.

My stare was holding, the knife in your hand, it was showing,
Hot! My breath was blowing,
Who you think you're scaring, baby?


Hey, I just met you,
And this is crazy,
But I'm your stalker,
Can you learn to love me, maybe?

I'm looking directly,
At my lady,
Because I'm sitting up this tree,
Near your bedroom baby.

And there's some policemen,
Who try to catch me,
But I've got a gun pointing at you,
So call them off, maybe?

Before you came into my life,
I was just a weirdo,
I was just a weirdo,
I was just a weirdo,

Before you came into my life,
I was just a weirdo,
But you should know though,
Now you're my EVERYTHING. So don't you dare go.

It's hard to look right,
At you baby.
Cos I'm behind bars now,
Come visit maybe?

Hey, I just met you,
And this is crazy,
But I'd like to be prison pen pals,
Write back to me, please.

Before you came into my life,
I was just a weirdo,
I was just a weirdo,
I was just a weirdo.

Before you came into my life,
I was just a weirdo,

But you should know though,
That I'll get parole in a year,
And in a dark alley, you should not go.