Monday 2 January 2012

Eat more, get fat, try less.

Forget making resolutions. I know for a fact I won't stick to them, and why should you wait until a new year before deciding you want to better yourself? You shouldn't. You should try and make yourself better all the time because you are shit and could always use some improvement.

I say this from personal experience. I know I am shit, I know I could be better, I know I won't be doing much about making that happen as a direct result of it now being 2012 and not 2011.

So here's some things I have decided not to do. I didn't decide not to do them because of it being a new year, because I can decide not to do something any time I like. It just so happens that I have decided not to do them right now because I'm feeling poignant.


1. I will not go on a diet. 
I am skinny enough and also diabetic. Imagine if I died from under-eating, you'd miss out on blogging gold like this.

2. I will try less things.
I know, now, what I am good at. I updated my CV earlier today and it told me everything I could do. I know I am not very good at drinking wine and remaining civilised, so I will stop trying that. It is a waste of mine and everyone else's time, and time is our most valuable commodity.

3. I won't be the best I can be.
If I am the best now than what do I have to look forward to? I will aim to be quite good, but I won't be getting carried away.

4. I'll do nothing that scares me, ever. 
'Do something that scares you every day,' they say. Why? It's scary, I could never leave the house confidently again if I had to put up with that every 24 hours.

5. No new hobbies.
I like cricket, football, going for a run and writing. If something else comes along and happens to impress me, I might let it have a second chance. But I won't be searching for something just in case it disappoints me and breaks my heart.

That's that.
Boundaries: set.