Thursday 5 January 2012

Curriculum Vitae: A poem.

I dislike writing CV's. Talking about myself in a serious manner makes me upset, so I stopped doing that and did this instead:

Curriculum vitae, for Ashley Billinghay
A highly creative copywriter, that’s what they all say.
Has worked in many places, and picked up lots of skills,
Can turn a word, write a phrase and make a rhyme at will.
He looks for something new, to help him on his way,
To becoming even better than the man he is today.

An imaginative thinker, great ideas every day,
Abilities in campaign management, taking branding all the way.
Experience includes lots of writing of all kinds,
Ads, websites and prose are just a few that come to mind.
Can work within a team or on his own to great effect,
Developing ideas that can’t help but get respect.

Is currently a postgraduate, studying Creative Writing,
But don’t let that deter you, he works as fast as lightning.
Degree in advertising, gained at Lincoln Uni,
Where he learnt to write things like this, hopefully not too poorly.
Went to Robert Pattinson School, not named after the actor,
Got himself three A-Levels, when he stayed for 6th form after.

Employment is quite varied, I’ll take you back in time,
Largely because time’s a fairly easy word to rhyme.
At The Collection Lincoln, is where I’ve been most recent,
Doing all their online marketing, to tell everyone about events.
I edited their website, updated Facebook, Twitter too,
Advertising lots of things was the bulk of what I’d do.

Before I was at an agency, called Design by Distraction,
I worked there as a copywriter putting words into action.
Writing lots of websites, SEO and print,
I even did a banner that was on a police car for a stint.
Lots of branding, planning and developing ideas,
I helped to do a lot of things in my three month placement here.

Then while back at uni, I was editor of a blog,, was what I managed for my job.
Writing lots of content, and sourcing all the rest,
Managing a team of others to help it look its best.
I took it from a small thing to what is now quite large,
We attracted two thousand hits a month during my time in charge.

At the same time I did that, I also worked for Bullet,
The student union magazine, I was Deputy Features Editor for it.
I wrote a lot of content, was published in print and on the net,
Covering lots of stories including the student protests.
Nominated for awards, rated as one to watch,
Everybody thought my articles were all top notch.

My future goals are many, but most of all I want to write,
To make words my career and the things that earn my life.
That’s why I’m doing a Masters, that’s why I’m seeking work,
Postgrad life’s not cheap, you know, and my tea habit costs the earth.
I’d love to hear from you, for now I’ve nothing left,
Just to say a range of references are available upon request.