Lol, not really. Sometimes I just spit at my screen because of how pathetic they are, regret having to clean that mess up and get on with the reality of life. Because while all those quotes on Facebook might have been posted with the best intentions, all they prove is how frail of an existence you lead and how I was right to question my decision to accept your friend request in the first place. Here are some examples of quotes found on Facebook along with a seething deconstruction of them written with classic Ash Billinghay wit. (Wit circa 2009. Recent tone of voice has been swapped for one more likely to earn some money.)
Here's Richard bloody Dawkins talking about how the Bible isn't all that great. For some reason the quote is accompanied by a picture that makes it look as if Dawkins' head would not look out of place on the body of an eagle, something that I am sure he would say is impossible. Also after about two lines of the text I am bored and am just guessing that he goes on to say something like 'God is stupid, unless I am God. Screw it, I AM God, on your knees peasants.'
When I started reading this I thought 'Yay! A poem!' but it isn't a poem at all, unless they've been lazy and rhymed every word with 'be'. If they have it's a crap poem and I hate it even more. While I'm sure the message intended here is something about becoming a better person, what it actually paints a picture of is someone who is currently awful and used to be really awful so you probably shouldn't forgive them even if they do one day become an acceptable member of society.
This one is absolutely heaving with visual metaphors. For a start, the quote is written on a mirror meaning it's probably about YOU, yes, YOU, so you should definitely pay attention and not scroll straight past it in favour of your mate's holiday photos. Secondly the word 'wounds' is written in red to suggest bleeding. So basically you shouldn't let that paper cut you got turn you into a moron. Thanks, quote, I will keep that in mind. Finally the girl in the picture has black hair, and we all know that people with black hair are the most emotionally unstable people of all. I feel bad for laughing at it now in case it makes her cry.
I don't know where to start with this one; there's just so many things wrong with it. Like why does it have those flowers around the edge? Why is it on that pale pink background instead of something dark and emotive like purple? Amateurs. Why does it use an ellipsis with more than the recommended three dots? More annoying than all of that, though, is all the people who commented on this picture saying 'OH MY GOD THAT'S SO TRUE!' What is true? Does it actually make a point that can be classed as true or false? Nah, of course it doesn't, it's just a load of bollocks. It's hard to explain to someone who has no clue......... what bollocks is.
Finally we have the worst one of them all. Not only is the quote rubbish but the Photoshop skills used to present the quote are rubbish as well. Is that a heart in the sand about to be washed away by the tide? Isn't that an image of a love that is fading, rather than the strong, everlasting one depicted by the words? Make your minds up, damn it! And who put that flower there? It won't grow in the sand you moron, meaning that will die too just like the feelings anyone might have had for you will after seeing the absolute load of bullshit that you keep posting on your feed.