Tuesday, 23 April 2013

A Poem About John Hegarty's Hair.

Oh look, it's John Hegarty, he's talking about things,
But no matter what he's done there's only one thing that wins.
On top of his head, keeping all that knowledge safe,
Is a cushion of hair undoubtedly ace.

It looks like a cat and it purrs with such glee,
Remaining in perfect place as he goes on with his speech. 
All your work's well and good, thank you for sharing,
But tell us how you keep such volume if you want to keep me caring.

He must never wear hats or go out in the rain,
Or allow stressful thoughts to enter his brain.
Or use anything less than the finest shampoo,
If you want hair like a cloud that's what you must do too.

He'll never go bald and his grey looks divine,
BBH should be proud of a noggin so fine.
Forget all the ads, all the prizes and praise,
John Hegarty's hair will keep me inspired for days.