But I don't think that messing up should really be considered all that bad a thing. Sure, that coffee cake tasted just like a Victoria sponge and now I've told everyone I occasionally bake cakes I may continue to spend a fair bit more time without female contact, but had I not done all those things in a way unproductive to getting correct results I would never really have learnt from them. I'd still be the person I was before all that happened and I didn't really like him. It's good to keep telling yourself that, because every day you will see people who don't look like they've ever messed up at all. You'll see people who have the perfect job, you'll see people who are in happy relationships or have excellent haircuts. They're all around you, they're everywhere you look. It can be very easy to let other people's success get you down but it really shouldn't; what might look like success to you might not be anything like what they really wanted to be doing. They might have screwed up royally to get into such a position. And while it's not advisable to purposely go out of your way to do something wrong it is certainly a good idea to go out of your way to do things that have the potential to go wrong. Do things you've never done before, do things that scare you, do things that come with a certain amount of risk.
If we keep doing things that we know we can do we'll never experience anything that challenges us, we'll never make ourselves grow. Messing up makes us better people, it's just tricky to explain that to everyone else at the time.
Those drinks seemed like a good idea. They weren't. I'm better for them now. |