Well, you were sort of right, they do want to help. But only if you like them on Facebook.
This ad has been running for a while now, each time promising to increase the amount of their donation if more likes can be achieved.
'A pound for a like, a pound for a like. Come on madam a pound for a like.'
Basically what Simplyhealth are saying here is that they will only give money to help heart disease if you become their fan on social media. It's incredibly self serving and a little soul destroying to think that a company whose main aim is better health is actually putting a price on that mission being completed.
It's clearly working, so fair enough. Over 100,000 new likes since last September is nothing to be laughed at, but the reasoning behind it leaves me a little sad.
Here's hoping everyone who has liked their Facebook page clicks on the unlike button as soon as the whole thing is over.