Thursday 19 April 2012

Dangerous religious clerics and I.

I was eating toast this morning, feeling a bit annoyed that I'd burnt it a little and wishing SO MUCH that I was a better cook, when on my newly fully digital television appeared an image of a man with a messy beard and a silly looking hat. Given that it's mid-April, I figured it probably wasn't a story about a department store Santa going off the rails, so I turned up the volume and listened over the sound of my disgruntled teeth munching on the black fire damaged bread in between them.

Apparently they wanted to deport this man with the messy beard and send him off to a place called Jordan. As far as I was aware Jordan had long since stopped going by that name and preferred to be referred to by her real name, Katie Price, so I found it a bit odd that such highly trained news professionals hadn't picked up on this change by now. I should point out that it was ridiculously early at the time (this mind of mine was not designed for any time before 9am) so I wasn't really that sure of where I was or why I was doing what I was doing. I shook myself up a little and started paying more attention, and then it dawned on me that Jordan is a place, not just a former super model turned shit business women , and that it wasn't just this man's awful facial hair that was making people want rid of him,

This is how a beard should look. This was my birthday, which is why I look smug.
Rumour had it that this man on my telly was a bit of a nutter, in a religious sense. He liked to tell people to do bad things in the name of Allah... is it Allah? I'm going to say it's Allah, I wasn't really paying THAT much attention, and this sort of talk was making government types a bit concerned. They'd linked him to bombs and terrorism and these are both things generally frowned upon by the every day man, so they wanted him to piss off to another country so that he would no longer be an issue.

This seemed fair enough, not least because his beard really was awful, but then I got to thinking; If he's been linked to all these things... why has it taken so long to do something about it? If I planned to make a bomb someone would arrest me and that would be that. Are there intrinsic legal wrangles that I'm not yet aware of? The news people kept saying words like Law Lords and Justice Courts and for a while I thought I was just reading a Phillip Pulman novel rather than living in the real world. They said that someone had to approve something before it could go to someone else to decide if they wanted to approve it enough to send it off for final approval. It was early, I wasn't really awake, so I got confused and turned that brain labyrinth off before it took things too far.     

Now I have had a lot of tea and am much more awake, but I still don't really get it so I'm just going to ignore it and let the Law Lords do what they do. This is all far too deep for me.