There’s been a lot of talk in the last few days,
predominantly from Liverpool fans and players, about how their Uruguayan
striker Luis Suarez has been harshly treated having been given a ten game ban.
All of this talk is absolute rubbish.
He wasn’t given a ten game ban because he’s from
a different country, he wasn’t given a ten game ban because people like to
blame him for everything and he wasn’t given a ten game ban because everyone
likes to pick on Liverpool. He was given a ten game ban because he BIT SOMEONE.
He put his mouth around another player’s arm and sank his teeth into his flesh.
He chowed down. He chomped on another human being. He tried to make a meal out
of a fellow professional. Banning him for that isn’t racist or discriminatory
or in any way unfair; it’s incredibly generous!
If Luis Suarez worked in any other business apart from
football and did the same thing he’d not only be sacked immediately and
struggle to ever find work again, but he’d also be charged with assault by the
police and might receive jail time. He wouldn’t just be slapped on the wrist
and told not to do it again; he’d be put behind bars and questioned about the
location of Count Dracula. “We know you
work together, Luis, just tell us where he is. If you help us we can help you.
We’ll feed you all the Serbian defenders you like.”
Put Suarez in a suit and tie and take him out of the weird
world of football and you’ll get no-one defending him. You’ll have no-one
saying that a smaller ban would have been more fair and that he’s only being
singled out because Liverpool are always hard done by, blah blah blah. Instead
you’d have people writing into the Daily Mail and insisting that he shouldn’t
have even been allowed in this country in the first place. They’d write a piece
about how he came over here and stole someone else’s job and now look what he’s
doing! Something must be done! Samantha
Brick would write an opinion piece on how she’s always gotten away with
biting people because she’s so beautiful and if Suarez only looked more like
her he’d have been fine, because she is perfect.
The only reason people are even trying to defend him is
because he’s a sports star. They shouldn’t be treated differently to anyone
else just because they’re athletic and spent their childhood learning how to
run and kick rather than worrying about their education and whether or not
they’d be having chicken nuggets for dinner. They’re already paid millions of
pounds a year to do something they enjoy doing so why should they be allowed
extra privileges too? “Sorry Luis, this has all got out of hand. Yes, you bit
someone, but you’re a multi-millionaire footballer who will never have to
suffer a day in your life so I guess it’s fine if we let you off with a
warning.” It’s a ridiculous idea.
If I went into my job and got annoyed with a co-worker and
decided that the only way to resolve that issue was by biting them I would be
delighted with the sort of ban Suarez has received. If they told me I couldn’t
go to ten meetings until I learnt my lesson I would be chuffed. A ten day ban
from the canteen? Sure, go for it. I’d have deserved such punishment. The
longer Liverpool and Suarez moan about it the less I and anyone else with any
common sense are going to care. It’s beginning to sound more and more like a
petulant school kid getting into trouble and his trouble maker family coming
into complain to the head.
Your kid misbehaved, Liverpool, a bit of time locked in his
room will be good for him.