Friday, 29 July 2011

That Friday Feeling

Well done on making Friday,

You’ve really done quite well.

Monday felt like rubbish,

And Tuesday wasn’t swell.

Wednesday had its moments,

But really felt quite flat.

Cos two more days were yet to come,

And you didn’t fancy that.

Thursday came and went,

Without too much of note.

The week would have ended there,

If you’d have had a vote.

But Friday had to happen,

Which felt like such a shame.

Could you make it through the day,

Whilst remaining sane?

With four more hours left to go,

Your sanity’s still strong.

There’s still a chance to mess it up,

And things to all go wrong.

But fingers crossed you’ll do it,

You’ve done it lots before.

Just take deep breaths and pretty soon,

You’ll be heading out that door.