Monday, 3 September 2012

Important Life Skills: Shaving.

You know that feeling you get when you're a 22 year old male and the only thing you're any good at is writing? And when someone says 'So, what is you do?' and you say 'Oh, I'm a writer,' and they look at you with a sense of both disappointment and mild embarrassment that they even know who you are?

Well, I experienced that feeling seven times this weekend. Each time was awful. But screw the lot of you, I also know how to do other things and one of those other things is shaving.

Shaving is important for a number of reasons. If, like me, you are a post-pubescent human being, you will already know just how valuable it is to have less hair on your body then, let's say, a chimpanzee. As a man I don't really mind having hair on my body as it proves my sexuality to people who may otherwise be in doubt. As a woman you should never have hair on your body as that's wrong and Jesus would hate you for it. But one place I have decided I don't really like having hair on is my face. When my face grows hair it goes ginger. The hair on my head is not ginger. I end up looking like an IDIOT. Admittedly if a woman grew hair on her face she would look like more of an idiot, but this is besides the point.

Because I don't want to look like this:

And would much rather look like this:

I have to regularly shave. I have to. HAVE to. This man has a 5 o'clock shadow and you can not achieve a 5 o'clock shadow without shaving, it's impossible. I'm almost certain that shaving will make me just as attractive as this weirdly shiny man, only I will also be wearing huge glasses and my jeans would be newer and have less holes in them.

So to hell with the naysayers. I can do more than words, I can also make myself look like a crazy man child with the face of a new born baby and that is something that everyone wants to be able to do.

Every single person.