Saturday, 30 June 2012


It's rare that an advert for a Steve Carell movie makes me think of anything. 
It's rare that adverts for anything make me think of anything, much beyond 'Oh.'
But this advert for this Steve Carell movie got me thinking about the end of the world and what I'd like to do if that time came about. So, on the back of those thoughts, I'm going to write this. Yay.

First thing's first, I'd watched The Day After Tomorrow. That film is full of useful advice about how to cope in terrible over dramatic situations and I think a lot could be learned from its viewing. With all that knowledge in mind I would pack one bag (travel light, else you'll go through the ice into a shopping mall) and get ready to go somewhere fun. I'm not sure where that place would be yet, and I suppose it would depend largely on the apocalyptic timescale, but I would go and I would enjoy myself. Maybe Playzone. That would be nice.

Before I left I would sit in front of a computer screen for the final time and write several kick ass letters. Those letters would be to people I liked but had never told I liked out of fear of rejection, or people I had told I liked but they'd thought I was joking. For those latter people the letter would be angrier and more stern just so the point got across. There would also be one special letter for someone I liked that thought I fancied men. That letter would consist only of exclamation marks.

Then I'd ring my family and say 'I'm off to Playzone if you fancy it,' and my Mum and sister would probably decline because it's quite an energetic thing to do, but I reckon my Dad would be game and we'd go off in some loose fitting clothing, obviously, and play on the slides and rope swings. With us we'd have lots of food and drink so we wouldn't have to go out and leave the fun times. I can think of little more enjoyable than eating a cheese and ham sandwich whilst sat in a ball pit. 

That's it, really. Obviously there is a much longer set of things I would like to do before I died, but that's with the advantage of time on my side. The apocalypse would not be willing to wait for me to become a well known author or get a PHD so I don't think it would even be worth me asking.

On the bright side, I think the Steve Carell film was fictional.