Thursday, 31 May 2012

I once saw a cat who looked like it knew more than it was letting on.

I am a man who has never owned a cat,
Nor can I say I really know how cats act.
Unsure am I of how they sound, how they smell,
I can honestly say I don't know cats that well.

Yet sitting here now on an island of grass,
As one of said cats walks idly past,
I can't help but worry what would happen if they,
Suddenly realised they were like us, let's say.

That they had jobs, droves cars and all watched TV,
That they had the same sort of stresses as we,
Would they feel offended that we'd never found out?
Would they cry out in frustration? Scream and shout?

'Oh dear mankind, how could you be so naive?
How could you only just have learnt what we can achieve?
We're more than just fuzzy faces you know,
We all have desk jobs and to the shops we must go.

Why Toby's a bank clerk and Boots is a tailor,
Whiskers works in marketing and Bill's a chartered surveyor.
So while you just sit there and pet us and we take it like sports,
You're really distracting us from doing all sorts.'

I'd hate to delay them, to hold the cats back,
Just incase one day they decided to attack.
So from now I'll give cats a lot more respect,
As I'm wary they may be much more than just pets.